Office xp service pack 3 for access 2002 runtime
Office xp service pack 3 for access 2002 runtime

office xp service pack 3 for access 2002 runtime

  • Change the name of this DWORD to "AllowSubfolders" and right click and modify.
  • To include sub directories as trusted locations, add a DWORD by right clicking the new key, selecting New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
  • the Value Data to the path or network name required (ie "Z:\" or "\servername" )
  • Change the name of this file to "Path" and then right-click and modify.
  • Right click the new Key and select New > Expandable String Value (for runtime 2013, just String Value for earlier version).
  • Now add a new KEY to the Trusted Locations directory by right clicking the directory and selecting New > Key (You can rename this to something meaningful).
  • Right click and modify the DWORD using "1" as the value.
  • NET Framework 1.0 Service Pack 3 on Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 and.

    office xp service pack 3 for access 2002 runtime

    Change the name of the DWORD to "AllowNetworkLocations" NET Framework 2.0 SP2 Common Language Runtime Could Allow Remote Code.Add a DWORD by right clicking the Trusted Locations directory, selecting New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Access\Security\Trusted Locations.Allow Microsoft Windows Registry Editor to make changes to your system.Use the search in Windows 7 or Windows 8 and type in "regedit.exe".If editing Reg is not cup of your Tea, then use AddPathīelow are some instructions i found awhile ago which i had saved, which allow you to add trusted locations, allow network locations & include sub folders.

    office xp service pack 3 for access 2002 runtime

    ' OS checked onē2bĖ4b (Professionnal edition) ' Contributor : Stéphane PAUTREL (), Eduardo Mozart de Oliveira ' Script : Retrieve Microsoft Office informations

    Office xp service pack 3 for access 2002 runtime